Friday, July 29, 2011

Kids Making Money

Shepard Fairey has grown up before the eyes of fans, peers and would be competitors. Undaunted by criticism he gets from both sides of his chosen vocation as a globally-known street artist, the man still has a great deal to say. His art has made its way into homes, museums, wardrobes and book collections in addition to all the walls--legal and illegal--and he pays the price and gains the benefit of all of it. A living conundrum, he embodies the sharp tongued anti-establishment, anti-corporate, anti-police state ethos of his formative years, while gradually beginning to resemble the middle-aged dad who so much of the punk generation rebelled against.

He raises money for individuals and organizations advocating for the disempowered or victimized, yet street art and graffiti kids who feel marginalized in their lives call him a sellout for making commercial work. Without the credibility of major shows, arts institutions, and collectors he could never afford to employ people who help him. Yet keeping it clean and doing legal walls costs him "street cred." How exactly does one become an authority on questioning authority? You try this balancing act, and see how far you get without a scrape or two.

(photo © Jaime Rojo)

Actually, Shepard seems pretty down to earth and surprisingly un-embittered for a guy who has made a few mistakes and taken some hard bumps since growing up a skateboarder, going to RISD, and making all those weird "Andre the Giant" stickers. It's not like he's been hiding behind the couch of course. He likes to be a celebrity DJ at openings. He likes to inveigh on panels about street art and graffiti and it's impact on culture. He loves to write on his blog about all manner of social and political issues.

Shepard Fairey (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Because of his professional and commercial success as a street artist, designer, and illustrator, in addition to his position as social activist and cultural influencer, he's laid himself out there for self-appointed persons of outrage and myriad colorful verbal pugilists with rapidly batting wings who are attracted to the light. Just last week he and his wife had a first encounter of the gossip kind when they were hi-jacked for 90 seconds by a brain-free tabloid show at an airport. Sure, it was sufficient dish for the terminally distracted, and his fans and critics jumped to throats to settle burning questions like the current state of his credibility as a real Street Artist and to analyze the innerworkings of his marriage.

Shepard Fairey (photo © Jaime Rojo)

If you get to see the people who work with him at his studio in Encino, some for many years, you'll get the idea that the CEO is fair and friendly as he seems. People buzz in and out of rooms and offices in this polished wood complex; each genuinely warm and welcoming to a stranger, willing to take an extra minute to talk or point the way to something interesting to oggle. They could be stoked because their daily grind is surrounded by cool and storied artwork, stacks of books, records, art supplies and ephemera, and this afternoon alone you might just run into Martha Cooper, Cope2, D*Face, or Word to Mother as they stop by to say hello or discuss a project. Obviously an achiever, he is always in motion and critical of so much in this world and you could see how he may have a choice word in pursuit of greatness, but if the regard for him and the camaraderie you see is forced, Los Angeles really must be full of actors.

The artist himself takes time to give a tour of some of his favorite items, all the while hitting whatever issues or artistic inspirations are evoked; gifts of art from friends and famous, his record cover collection from the 80s displayed on the wall, personal mementos that have meaning or stories. Here is a personally signed Clash LP cover and now let's talk about America's dependence on fossil fuels. Here's a new rubylith transparency of Ronald Reagan called "Mo(u)rning in America" and now lets talk about how influential Russian Constructivism has been to his work and how to simplify and exaggerate perspective.

Shepard Fairey (photo © Jaime Rojo)

With the meteoric rise in interest in Street Art during the last decade, it's difficult to know if Fairey pushed the wave or adeptly learned how to ride it, but the list of cities, walls, art products, shows and professional accomplishments requires a catalog. A hotter, younger head might get too swollen to fit through a door and hubris might cloud his worldview. During a brief interview at his studio in Los Angeles while he signed multiple copies of a new print, the husband and father of two with grey flickering around his temples comes across as a pretty sincere guy who may worry a bit too much and who has a fire in the belly that burns fiercely, if a little more controlled than before.

Shepard Fairey (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Brooklyn Street Art: What is interesting to you at the moment?

Shepard Fairey: The MOCA show is interesting. The rise of street art in general is pretty interesting. The reason I called my book "Supply and Demand" is because the forces, economic and cultural, are what's fascinating around the evolution of an artists career, an art movement, politics, fashion, music, everything. I think a lot of what's fascinating to observe right now is that as street art and graffiti have become maybe a little bit more acceptable and marketable that certain people are very happy about that because maybe they have done it in obscurity and poverty for a number of years and other people prefer the idea of it staying underground.

To me that's actually kind of an elitist standpoint. "Oh the institutions are elitist! We're underground!" and they don't want to share it.

Shepard Fairey (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Brooklyn Street Art: And in the process they are creating their own institution which is called, "The Underground".

Shepard: Exactly! So just seeing how all these points of view are going around - I think debate is really healthy. I think that the most potent things are maybe contentious. So seeing how many people are loving this moment and how others are going out and attacking all the artists stuff that showed in the museum - calling them sellouts - these are all not always uplifting in terms of my opinion of humanity but are fascinating to see. To me it's just an exciting moment.

But I also think a lot of it revolves around these sort of reductivist arguments that are valid based on defining things very narrowly and putting them in categories that are unhealthy. My strategy as an artist has always been, "Look at every single situation and adapt to it the way that is logical"; the "inside/outside" strategy I've called it. For example, trying to reach people in a democratic way by putting stuff up on the street but also if there was an opportunity, for example, to do something for a band I like, or do something in a gallery - that's just another way to reach people. So it's not being dictated to by the system, working around it when you need to, but also not being afraid to infiltrate and work within it. That's been my approach.

And I guess a lot of the friction that I'm seeing seems to based around people who cannot think that way.

Shepard Fairey (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Brooklyn Street Art: Your participation in the MOCA show; There weren't many new elements in that show were there?

Shepard Fairey: Um, yeah there were actually. The big canvas was new, all the environmental pieces were brand new paintings. But really what they asked for in that show was a historical overview but they also wanted the work to have the spirit of the street but have it a stand-alone artwork in an institution. So there are sort of two agendas that aren't always easy to bring together. So my solution on some of it was to make "paintings".

Shepard Fairey (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Brooklyn Street Art: It seems like we're swimming around in this system that we are all kind of uncomfortable with and that friction that you speak of flares up during times like this. It's a punctuation in the flow of thoughts. We have this huge show and it's like, "Here marks a beginning, or an ending". So many people feel they have to weigh in with opinions.

But you've certainly borne a number of strong or vehement attacks over the years just because of the way you negotiate the system and your place as an artist within it. Do you think your skin has gotten thicker as a result? Or have you always been kind of thick skinned.

Shepard Fairey: Um, I'm actually pretty thinned skinned and it always hurts my feelings when people attack my work but the real enemy is indifference. If something is ire-ing or inspiring it is motivating someone to respond. I think that could be the starting point for a conversation and I've known a lot of people who, once they've heard me articulate my opinions about things, they've changed their opinions about my practice, my way of working. Other people haven't. But it's not my goal to win everyone over but it is my goal to make work that I think sparks a conversation. So I've accepted that my feelings are going to get hurt trying to do what I think is most important to do. (laughs)

Shepard Fairey (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Shepard Fairey (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Brooklyn Street Art: I'm not sure I could withstand the continuous attention and negativity that can be out there.

Shepard Fairey: Well the nature of street art is about people who are aggressive and rule breakers and oftentimes very opinionated about how they think things should be done or not done. So just by inserting myself into that arena I'm going to be dealing with a lot more static than almost any other area of culture (laughs). But that's my choice.

Shepard Fairey (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Brooklyn Street Art: It also feels like home.

Shepard Fairey: But when I look at the rewards of it, and when I say rewards I don't mean financial at all, I mean the satisfaction of creating something from nothing and empowering myself and speaking to a lot of people in a way that's democratic - to me all of that greatly outweighs having to deal with haters from my own community or law enforcement. I mean all of that stuff has been really stressful but when I'm out doing something and a kid comes up and says "Hey, you know I got into graphic design or I got into making art cutting stencils because of you," - that happens frequently - and that makes it all worth it because that person might end up making art that is very powerful, that's going to change someone else's life. The sort of cumulative effect of that influence is hard to even quantify.

Shepard Fairey, Craig R. Stecyk III (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Brooklyn Street Art:
Is there a sound? I know you have a musical ear - is there a sound when something like that happens in your life when a kid talks to you like that, do you hear a "ping!" or "ching!" - and think, "That was exactly what I wanted". Or do you see something visual like a light?

Shepard Fairey: Well, I remember a moment in my life when that happened for me and so it's almost like when you smell the same smell as your first girlfriends perfume or something that's very Pavlovian, I guess.

Brooklyn Street Art: That's what I'm thinking about.

Shepard Fairey: When I first got into skateboarding and I went over my friends ramp and the experience of riding that ramp and how it seemed like it was changing the world for me. Or the first time I listened to The Clash or The Sex Pistols and how it was like, "Okay, wow, everything just got a lot different, broader, more exciting."

Shepard Fairey (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Invader, Shepard Fairey (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Brooklyn Street Art: Doors flew open.

Shepard Fairey: Yeah, knowing those moments in my own life, when someone talks about that for them - I'm like, "How could I not feed into that as much as possible?"

Brooklyn Street Art:
I think that is very gratifying.

Shepard Fairey: Yeah it is, I mean ultimately I still enjoy this stuff. I don't feel in any way like "Oh, I'm such a martyr, I'm doing this for the people" - The great aspect is that I enjoy doing the work and I enjoy going out and putting it up.

The funny thing is I used to think about being a thorn in the side of the authorities when I was doing my thing. Now I'm actually a thorn in the side of the authorities and some of my own peers who think I'm too successful. This is really funny. I'm too "street" for the corporate, too corporate for the street.

God save the chandelier; A signed work by Jamie Reid; anarchist, situationist and designer of the covers for Sex Pistols records. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Shepard Fairey (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Brooklyn Street Art: It's a funny place to inhabit.

Shepard Fairey: I guess it is about understanding the world we live in and learning how to navigate in a way that you get as much good and as little bad as you can but not just being unrealistic and an isolationist because you refuse to engage something that inherently is going to be problematic. There are a lot of people who do this - they're like, "oh I'm not part of that" - BUT you go to the store and buy stuff that's made by evil corporations, you're wearing Nikes, - by saying that you are not part of it you actually are just being complicit anyway.

Blek le Rat at Shepard Fairey Studio (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Faile (detail) at Shepard Fairey Studio (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Brooklyn Street Art: You're actually not helping in any way to bring it forward in any way at all. You're dropping out.

Shepard Fairey: Exactly. And...

Brooklyn Street Art: You're an expert critic today, but your not doing anything constructive.

Shepard Fairey: And my whole thing is that if there is a really great net positive in doing something that you might have to engage with a company but they facilitate a project that ends up really benefitting the kind of culture and art that you believe in, to me it was worth having to put a logo on a wall in the corner of an art show. But there are some people who, I think in a lot of ways in an effort to justify their own complacency, say "Oh that's not cool because of that. The whole thing is ruined". So now they feel much more justified just sort of sitting around hating on everything. And you know, not being able to have the chip on the shoulder is something that a lot of people from the Street Art world don't want. They want to remain persecuted and angry. It's something that feeds them.

You know that is something that has driven me in a lot of ways - frustration, anger. And there are people who I think are very self destructive in how they deal with those emotions. But now I feel like I've just channeled that in much more constructive ways.

Barry McGee at Shepard Fairey Studio (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Shepard's collection of signed album covers at the studio (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Steven P. Harrington and Jaime Rojo are co-founders of Brooklyn Street Art.

See new Street Art and read scintillating interviews every day on

Fred Lynn is no stranger to the media. He spent the bulk of his Major League career in large markets like Boston and California, patrolling center field for the Red Sox and Angels, respectively. This time, however, the nine-time All Star is taking to the media for a different reason—to promote an excellent cause.

As Major League players from across the game roll into Phoenix, Arizona to participate in the 82nd installment of the mid-summer classic, hoards of media personnel have followed suit, taking their cameras and microphones to the desert to catch up with the game's elite. Lynn, on the other hand, is just making a pit-stop at the All-Star Game, where he made quite the name for himself, to help spread the word about the SUBWAY Baseball DeSIGNS Tour.

On Monday afternoon, I had the opportunity to ask Fred Lynn a couple of questions surrounding not only his involvement with the tour, but the nostalgia that returns from making an appearance at the All-Star Game on media day, and his other involvements in the festivities.

"On the tour, we're taking baseballs that were artistically created by children and having them signed by different people. I signed one today, and we've also had the Williams sisters, celebrities and a number of various athletes sign them," said Lynn. In fact, the tour boasts a number of big name signers, including baseball's own Jose Reyes and Ryan Howard, as well as recognizable names like Katy Perry, Selena Gomez, Blake Griffin, Michael Phelps, Drew Brees and the cast of Glee.

Once the baseballs are signed, they are auctioned off, and whatever money is paid for them is donated to the Little League Urban Initiative Program, which supports the growth of Little League baseball in the United States. When asked about how important it is to support the Little Leagues, Lynn emphatically stated that supporting the Little Leagues was much more than developing future baseball players.

"Getting kids active is the main priority," said Lynn. "When I was a kid, we were outside all of the time running around. One of the things that we really want to encourage is helping kids to stay active, so that healthy eating habits and those sorts of things follow."

The tour provides a unique experience to not only showcase the Little League talent growing here in the United States, but for celebrities and athletes alike to show their support for the game of baseball. The tour, which started in Los Angeles last month, is scheduled to stop in Phoenix Arizona for two days (Monday and Tuesday,) before heading to New York City for a couple of days in August. Everything is wrapped up at the end of August, when the tour fittingly ends in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, for the Little League World Series.

However, while the reporter in me wanted to catch up with Fred Lynn about his tour, the baseball fan in me was dying to ask him a couple of questions about the All-Star Game. How could I pass up the opportunity to ask an All-Star Game legend a couple of questions while he was live in Phoenix?

The last couple of seasons have certainly provided us with memorable All Star Games. Who could forget Adam Jones' go-ahead triple in the 2009 game, or the National League's first victory since 1996 in 2010? While those were certainly memorable, there are few bigger names than "Fred Lynn" when it comes to All Star Game heroics, after appearing in nine straight All Star Games from 1975-83.

When asked what his most memorable experience was from those nine games, his answer was quick, and I knew it before it even left his tongue: "Well, it had to be the 1983 game." Indeed it did. On the 50th Anniversary of the All Star Game, live from Comiskey Park in Chicago, Illinois, Lynn put the finishing touches on the rout of the National League, launching a grand slam home run in the third inning.

To date, Lynn is the only man to have ever hit a grand slam in the All Star Game, a feat that only few have even been given the opportunity to do. When asked if he thought it would ever be done again, he laughed and said, "Well, it will be done again," but he didn't sound so sure, and with good reason. With 81 All Star Games in the books before Tuesday's showdown, he's the only man to ever accomplish the feat.

"I thought that Mark McGwire was going to do it when the All Star Game was in Colorado. (1998). I mean, then, anything you hit in the air left the park. I thought that if anyone was going to do it, it would be him in Colorado," Lynn said, "But it didn't happen." While there were three home runs hit, by Alex Rodriguez, Roberto Alomar and Barry Bonds, none of them were grand slams, and while McGwire had his chance, he could do nothing with it.

Lynn has a theory as to why hitting a grand slam in the All Star Game is such a challenge, however. "If it happens, I think it will happen against a starting pitcher," said the former outfielder. "A lot of times (in the All Star Game), when you get the bases loaded, the manager brings in a stopper. This isn't just any guy, but a stopper, and they don't give those up. If it does happen, I think it will be off of a starter, like mine was."

With Roy Halladay and Jered Weaver set to square off at Chase Field Tuesday night to begin the game, it seems like a grand slam is a long shot, but anything can happen. On the other hand, the Celebrity Softball Game is a thing of the past, and Lynn was once again an anchor for the legends.

"The Celebrity Softball Game is a lot of fun," said Lynn. "When I put on the uniform, I do crazy things," he said with a laugh." What is that crazy thing, you ask? "I dove for a ball." I could hear the excitement in his voice as he said that, and I couldn't help but laugh on the other end of the phone. Without having seen the game, which was not scheduled to air until Monday evening, I could picture Lynn, surrounded by a number of baseball legends and celebrities, diving for a ball.

"I don't heal as quickly as I used to," said Lynn with a laugh. "I woke up this morning around 6 am, about 10 hours after the game, and I could barely move my shoulder around to lift my arm over my head. I had my wife yelling at me and everything!"

Luckily for us, the tour is in no serious jeopardy, as Lynn will not require a stint on the Disabled List. According to the four-time Gold Glove winner, the game, injury and all, was well worth it. "It's nice to have some of the celebrities out there on our field, and teach them a little about what we know."

So to sum things up, if there is something that Fred Lynn hasn't accomplished in terms of the All Star Game, I can't imagine what it would be. He's hit a home run, which of course, was the only grand slam in the history of the All Star Game. He has won the game, taken home MVP honors, and appeared nine times. Now a 13-year veteran of the Celebrity Softball Game, he's even homered in that!

Now, he's on a mission to help the kids of our country by supporting the Little Leagues, a fact that thrown in with all of the baseball success he's had, really puts what type of man Fred Lynn is into perspective.

If you're interesting in learning more about the SUBWAY Baseball DeSIGNS Tour, please, visit the official website, here.

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Friday, July 22, 2011

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

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would be good aged fiber. All of us know the significant attributes of fiber. It helps with our digestion, softens out stool, and raises its bulk. This would assist reduce any straining on our bowel movement. One of the main causes of hemorrhoids is strained bowel action. With fiber inside your system, there will be much less strain as we do our bowel movement. This would clearly assist in relieving hemorrhoid pain and bleeding.

With fiber as a very important factor in hemorrhoid treatment, it is crucial that we keep up a wholesome high-fiber diet. You will find plenty of fiber-rich meals accessible to us --- vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and so on. We also need to drink plenty of water to help with digestion and also the softening of our stool.

Another all-natural treatment that ought to be current in our hemorrhoid therapy dietary supplements will be the citrus bioflavonoids. Citrus bioflavonoids can be discovered in citrus fruits, and they have been discovered to be very helpful in decreasing symptoms of discomfort, bleeding, and itchiness. They're also useful in reducing anal discomfort and anal discharge.

Butcher's broom is a plant that has long been in use to assist cure hemorrhoids and varicose veins. There is no confirmation yet, however it continues to be said the extract from this plant has anti-flammatory and vein-constricting properties that can help to shrink swollen tissue and improve the veins. Despite its significant advantage more than hemorrhoids, the butcher's broom is dangerous to individuals to high blood pressure, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and ladies who are pregnant or nursing. It ought to be mentioned which you possess a doctor's suggestion prior to looking for therapy using the butcher's broom. The butcher's broom is also recognized as knee holly, box holly, and sweet broom.

Another popular all-natural remedy included in hemorrhoid cure
supplements is the herb horse chestnut. This herb is also useful in improving blood circulation within the veins. It also minimizes swelling and irritation, and it assists strengthen blood vessel walls. We also need to be careful with this particular plant. Some components of it are poisonous, and you will find said to become unwanted side effects in taking it. The unwanted side effects are unusual, and consist of kidney damage, bleeding, bruising, and damage to the liver.

Other natural remedies for your treatment of hemorrhoids include bilberry extract and gotu kola extract. Each of this natural extracts assist within the safety and upkeep with the power and circulatory functions with the hemorrhoid and varicose veins.

Every one of these may not necessarily be included as components inside your dietary supplements or medication. Bear in thoughts that some of the all-natural treatments listed above can have side effects. In opting for this option technique in hemorrhoid treatment, we should usually seek advice from with our physicians first.

Get The very best Options For Genital Warts Therapy

With regards to using a treatment for genital warts there are a couple of different choices. You can select to have them surgically removed or you are able to use a product known as Wartrol. This is really a gential wart cream that you rub on the area. When this treatment is utilized directly towards the area it will give you instant relief. When they're surgically eliminated they're generally frozen with liquid nitrogen or laser therapy.

While getting genital warts relief is no enjoyable there's an simple method to repair it. If you catch it early you are able to use a genital warts therapy like Wartrol to obtain rid of them. So if you believe you've genital warts then it is greatest in the event you consider action now, simply because the previously you deal with this the quicker and simpler they'll go away. Also, obtain a genital wart cream that utilizes FDA approved ingredients because that indicates it's secure to use and that the item actually works. Occasionally less expensive isin't always much better!

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By boosting your immune program you are able to battle back in opposition to genital herpes. Great homeopathic cures are available to help your body fight this. These kind of treatments might be less effective however it is another option that you have.

Genital warts are each annoying and embarrassing. But, it becomes even more embarrassing when you're at the Doctors workplace and there's somebody inspecting them close up. By utilizing a product at home you can avoid the embarrassment. Wartrol will be the 1 product that will be ordered online.

By doing this you'll be within the privacy of your own home as well as the delivery and billing is discreet. The item uses the very best all-natural components which have been proven to become a very efficient genital warts therapy. Attempt it today and you will not be disappointed.